Monday, September 24, 2007

The 7 and 1/2 habits of DOOOOM ;)

So. First post.

I probably should've done this a week ago but once again am horribly behind. And it's only week three! How on earth did this happen? Best not to answer that. Let's just assume it has nothing at all to do with my own laziness and lack of motivation and was caused by something utterly random. Oh, I know, alien abuctions! That's right! Aliens dragged me off in their spaceship and so I've been much too busy being probed to make any headway in learning 2.0.

Whatever the reason, I'm guessing this doesn't bode well for the rest of the learning 2.0 time. Perhaps I should practice hanging my head in shame now so I'll be an expert by the time this thing finishes.

Anyway, on to the seven and a half habits (of doomfulness)...

I think the easiest habit for me is probably a toss up between the first (begin with the end in mind), sixth (use technology to your own advantage) and seven-and-a-half (play!) habits. I'm probably best at getting things done when I'm in the planning stages of anything. Then, I'm filled with enthusiasm and extremely motivated to do things. Technology isn't something I have an issue with. And, heck, any excuse to play will suit me just fine.

The hardest habit(s)? Just about everything else. I'm terrible when it comes to following through. I find it very hard to accept responsibility for my own learning (habit 2) and give up on things far too easily (bit of habit 4 there, lack of confidence).

It's sad that I can take most my life lessons straight from Simpsons quotes but this one fits me more than it should:

Homer (to Bart); Well, son, you've tried. And you've failed. The lesson is: never try.

Need to get myself out of that frame of mind. ASAP.

I'm not sure if we're supposed to talk about what we're going to be trying to learn. Should it be something to do with libraries and library-ish things? I should ask someone, because, while I do have a goal, it's more of a personal goal and doesn't have much at all to do with the library I'm working at. I hope that's okay. Two goals is a bit much.

Blogging on my lunch break. Nooooo. Must go now and consume vast quantities of junk food. Lots of sugar and chemicals for energy this afternoon. Mmm...sugar :)