Thursday, October 11, 2007

I was out one day with a friend and found this photo amusing and appropriate :)

librarian doll

Fingers crossed that it works *eeek* :D

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week-something-or-other (week three?) means learning about Flickr. I've had a look at the page and uploaded a few things. Now let's see if this works...


...if it did then you should be able to see Brandy. Wasn't she beautiful? Bestest li'l doggie in the world. I'm still finding the chewed up remains of tennis balls in my back yard, more than a year after she died. This probably says a lot about my gardening skills (or lack thereof). Meh. At least it's not a photo of a Japanese rocker. And I was sorely tempted to post one of those.
So. poor neglected blog, here is post number two. Can you contain your excitement? This morning we (by 'we' I mean 'various library staffers signed up for this project') joined forces for a bit of a combined training/catch-up session on Learning 2.0. I mustn't have been the only one running a few weeks behind. Does this mean I can feel less bad about it? Hmm. Probably not. It's good to know I'm not going to the special hell for people who fail Learning 2.0 though!

For some reason this new blog - which behaved perfectly until today - refused to accept my password. Repeatedly. A more paranoid person would say it was actively conspiring against me. Not that I'm paranoid. Who me? Of course not (she says, while looking around the room for hidden cameras!).

I'm not sure how well the session went. I had fun trying to persuade Christina that her blog should use the words "evil" and "world domination" at least once. Sensibly, she refused. I'll try again next time. Maybe I can corrupt, uh, I mean convince her ;)